Hello Foss UWU?

The very first Awareness session of Foss Hub UWU and Women in Foss UWU was held on 8th November 2020 using the Zoom Platform due to the Covid-19 pandemic situation in Sri Lanka.

How session was implemented

Sachith Siriwardhana, Club lead of Mozilla Campus Club UWU Warmly welcomed to all event in zoom platform and he was given a brief introduction about guest speakers.

Let’s go to Deep into Foss

Uvindu Perera who is a Core member at Foss Sri Lanka, Former cc,Devops Iseg mit gave an introduction about FOSS According to his topic “Deep into Foss“.?

What is Foss ?
Foss means,Free and Open-Source Software.it means software that can be classified as both free software and open-source software. We can get LibreOffice, Redhat, Mozilla Firefox, Gimp, Linux, Blender are few examples of Best open source software examples of 2020
Richard Stallman introduced the concept of free source software back in the 1980s. Its main goal was that all users have the right to operate, copy, share, study, change, and improve this software.

What are its Four principles?

FOSS is a matter of the User’s freedom to run, copy, distribute, study, change and improve the software. The “free” as is used in Free and Open Source Softwares refers to ‘free as in freedom’ rather than cost. More precisely it refers to four kinds of freedom to the users of the Software:

◾Freedom 1 – The freedom to RUN the program as you wish,for any purpose

◾Freedom 2-The freedom to STUDY how the program works,and CHANGE it so it does your computing as you wish. Access to the source code is a precondition for this.

◾Freedom 3-The freedom to REDISTRIBUTE copies so you can help your neighbour.

◾Freedom 4-The freedom to DISTRIBUTE copies of your MODIFIED version to others.

After the session comes with 10 principles in open source initiative and discussion about Open-Source and privacy. Finally, the “Deep into Foss” session ended with educating about Foss forum as well as github organization and Foss Blog.?

How to become a top Open-Source Contributor

Then, the event was swiftly off to Shalitha Suranga who is a Software Engineer at 99x technologies to cover the session with “How to become a top Open-Source Contributor“.?
He started his session with “Talk is cheap. Show me the code“. This is a quote from Linus Torvalds who was a founder of Linux.

He gave us 5 tips to become a top Open-Source Contributor with benefits

1.Being active in the community
2.Explore and Experiment
3.Become a community at ASF
4.Build the someone memorable
5.Stay in the loop

Then, the event was swiftly off to Chethana Wickramaarachchi who is a Representative at Women in Foss UWU to cover the session with “Introduction to Women in Foss“.
She gave an introduction about Women in Foss and explained why do we need a women’s community and its benefits.

The end of the session comes with a vote of thanks by Hashini Munasinghe, Core Member of Mozilla Campus Club-UWU.

We were able to gather 280 + participants ?❤ for Hello Foss UWU which means all the efforts of the organizing team have been succeeded ? and it was a very fascinating and engaging evening.

We must give our admiration to Shalitha Suranga, Uvindu Perera who shared the knowledge and experience throughout the session. You are exceptionally helpful to us.
Our Hotful thanks go to Sudaraka Seneviratha who is former club lead at Mozilla campus club UWU and his team
and special thank goes to Foss Sri Lanka, Women in Foss Sri Lanka, Mozilla Sri Lanka, Mozilla Campus club Sri Lanka, Mozilla campus club UWU and Foss Hub UWU appreciate your help.
Not forgetting all the participants who joined our event. participations have been exceptional.

We are coming soon Foss Hub UWU and Women in Foss UWU with new faces. ?‍??‍?❤

Hashini Munasinghe

Undergraduate at UWU ❤ ||Technical Writer

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